The territory

What are the unique features of the location?

The vineyard, entirely terraced, is situated mostly on the inner slope of a splendid and sinuous hill at the northern edge of the municipality of Messina. Cultivated mainly with espalier training, it is gently caressed by the sea breeze that ascends the valley facing Capo di Milazzo, which, in the distance, rests on the Tyrrhenian Sea and showcases all its scenic charm.
The unique microclimatic conditions create a one-of-a-kind site where the vines follow their annual cultivation cycle with absolute individuality. Thus, the Nerello Mascalese, Nerello Cappuccio, Nocera, and Nero D’Avola express the best characteristics of their respective varieties, which are then meticulously transferred into the winemaking process.




The vineyard

The winery today spans over five hectares, of which three are currently planted with vineyards in a characteristic terraced site with an amphitheater-like area. The division into plots with various exposures, characterized mostly by medium-textured soil, has more varied expressions facing the sea while respecting the local characteristics of the ancient village of Gesso.
The winds we are exposed to, Scirocco and Maestrale, impart unique microclimatic characteristics that give the grapes and wine unmatched organoleptic tones
The microclimatic conditions throughout the cultivation cycle are monitored by an innovative computer system certified by the company "Agricoltura 4.0.""

The outlook

The future

With the understanding that "you reap what you sow," we have developed a new area for cultivating Nero Mascalese grapes.

The daily

The present

With great dedication, we tend to our plants to ensure they thrive and establish themselves, leading to a bountiful harvest.